Monday night we saw the UPS dray coming down our street. Could it be? Were they delivering a box from

It was a box from Vancouver!

Filled with wonderful surprises!

Personalized necklaces, beads to string...


a toy ferry boat - complete with "toot"...


computer games...

bead-thingies you put together and iron to make pictures...
but that's not all. There was a cute kit to make picture frames out of CD holders, a book for me, barrettes, bracelets, heart clips, name plates for the kids (that even matched S's bedroom,) homemade letter magnets for the fridge, stickers, and best of all - a picture of our new friends!
Thank you so much L! You and the girls put together a super package. S is already asking when we can swap again.
I love to see what you guys get in your swaps!
Yay for great swap mail!
Mail arrives on a dray? Oooh!
Fun stuff. And what could make getting packages ever better? Having them delivered by horses! I LOVE that.
I love to see what you get in exciting. How do you find people to swap with?
Second of all....IS THAT YOUR UPS MAN??? I need to go soak that in- that's too much for me! ;)
Yes, that is our UPS man, though he doesn't actually work for UPS. UPS contracts the dray company to deliver since they aren't allowed to use their trucks here.
UPS by horse... TOO COOL! And all that fun stuff for the kids, you all had a neat day!
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