paint samples - one per Valentine (I got mine at Lowe's)
hole punch
heart punch (optional)
corner rounder (optional)
permanent marker
narrow ribbon (mine was 3/8 inch wide)
1. Round the corners of the paint sample using the corner rounder. The samples I got were already the perfect size, so I didn't have to cut them down. If you want smaller bookmarks, you could cut the samples down or even use a different size or style paint sample.
2. Punch a hole in the center of the top of the bookmark, about 1/4 inch down from the edge. I just used a standard size hole punch.
2. Punch a hole in the center of the top of the bookmark, about 1/4 inch down from the edge. I just used a standard size hole punch.
3. Write your message in permanent marker. I went with the book theme, but you could write whatever message you wanted to. I also signed mine after I took the photo. I discovered that water based markers smeared and didn't look nearly as nice as the Sharpie did, so use a permanent marker. If you have a ton of them to make you could print your message on clear address labels and stick them on, or use a white label and stick your message on to the back.
4. Punch a heart into the center of the bottom of the bookmark. If you'd rather, a sticker would look cute here, too. I used the punch I already had to keep my costs down. (All I had to buy was two spools of ribbon for $0.50 each at Jo-Ann's. One spool made about 25 bookmarks.)
5. Cut the ribbon into about 15 inch lengths, or whatever you like for the size of your bookmark. Find the center of the length of ribbon and fold it in half. Thread the looped end through the hole you punched in the top and then bring the two ends up through the loop and tighten. Viola! You've got a lovely Valentine's Day card / bookmark that (hopefully) isn't headed right for the landfill.
This is ADORABLE, Liz! What a perfect idea for teachers to give! I love it. I will be sending this link to all of my teacher friends!
What a cute idea. Nice work!
What a great idea. You're amazing.
This is great! We need to do Valentine's for our co-op. How about "Happy Valentine's Day...you color my world!"? Thanks for sharing...we're so going to do this one! Simple yet clever.
Hey - my boy could do this for the classmates - cool idea!
I really like the idea of a valentine bookmark. This is such a great, simple idea :-)
The beauty of simplicity! Great idea!
short, sweet, and usable!!
In my next life I want that naming paint color job....I can be entertained for a good length of time checking out paint names. I'm sure your students will enjoy those bookmarks. Hope you are staying warm over there.
Brilliant! And so many decorating possibilities. I know the children will love them. I would love one! And I am way past childhood!
Very cute!
Very cute idea! I will have to share it with all of my teacher friends. They will love it!
What a great idea! I need to start collecting paint samples, I am wanting to paint the kitchen!
genius idea! :^)
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
I love this! Do you mind if I "pin" it to Pinterest?
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