I love hand-me-downs. Love them; and this one has been quite popular lately. My cousin sent this beautiful doll house home with us last summer (along with a giant tub of trains.) The trains were an immediate hit, but the doll house has languished in my daughter's closet. She was so completely uninterested in it that I actually considered returning it.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but something changed. Over the past two weeks or so the doll house has been incredibly popular - with both of the kids. Which totally makes me smile. I love toys like this; the ones that just beg the kids to use their imaginations; one minute it is a hamster habitat, the next it is home to a horse family. I wonder what they'll think of next?
I love toys like that...we have a small plastic riding toy that looks like a horse...all our kids used it...now the grands are using it. Sometimes it is a horse..sometimes a dragon...sometimes a fish!
I love toys like that too, the old ones are the best ones!
What a treasure! That is the best doll house and furniture I've ever seen. I bet the kids are very excited for christmas this year. Such great ages for the wonder of it all. Enjoy!
This is a beautiful doll house!
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