So long sweet snowmobile.
My feet shall miss you...
My feet shall miss you...
Friday was most likely my last day of snowmobiling to work. The snow is melting quickly and we are down to riding on the slim snowbank along the side of the road. So barring some major snow storm, which is highly unlikely and quite unwanted, it's going to be the shoe leather express for the kids and me this coming week. I don't mind the walking, but the two four year-old boys I take to school in the morning are another story.
It isn't so much that they mind the mile walk to school, as I mind navigating the icy streets with them. During the warm days the snow melts, wetting the road. The temps dip at night and the water freezes - leaving slick roads for the morning walk. I have a pair of ice creepers (which I wear religiously,) but I have yet to see them in tiny child sizes. We manage though. Hopefully things will be clear enough after spring break that we can go down the hill in the morning on my bicycle.
My daughter is really going to miss the "sno-beel." Going for a ride in the morning is something she really enjoys...
It isn't so much that they mind the mile walk to school, as I mind navigating the icy streets with them. During the warm days the snow melts, wetting the road. The temps dip at night and the water freezes - leaving slick roads for the morning walk. I have a pair of ice creepers (which I wear religiously,) but I have yet to see them in tiny child sizes. We manage though. Hopefully things will be clear enough after spring break that we can go down the hill in the morning on my bicycle.
My daughter is really going to miss the "sno-beel." Going for a ride in the morning is something she really enjoys...
It sounds like our snow is melting at about the same pace. Spring break is usually the real switchover. Before break, Pipsqueak is going to school in snow pants. After break, she's wearing capri pants.
after reading some of my favorite blogs, it seems as if spring is arriving all over the country. looks as if you are getting some spring type weather also.
walking or snowmobile... hmmm... not sure which one i'd enjoy the most.
the icy, slick walk doesn't sound too nice.
be careful for those hidden slick spots!
Melting snow .... ice .... these are things I don't think I want to experience. Although the snowmobile may just make up for it?
Just think, you'll be back from overseas all bronze, and the ice/snow will be gone by then. Ü
Does it take awhile to get your muscles back in shape for biking again?
Won't be long until the lilacs are in full bloom!
I'm glad to see spring is on its way by you as well!
I too am in denial of yet another snowstorm before June. Enjoy the weather and have a great time in Egypt. You will have to post some sunny photos for us. :)
Those pictures are adorable!
When you’re going to miss it too much you could try a sandmobile in Egypt?
Snowmobile or walk. You lead a very cool and simple life on the island. :)
Have a great time in Cairo!
have a wonderful trip!!!
Spring has sprung here in Northern Illinois. Hooray!
I have enjoyed learning about your island and all the unique mods of transporation.
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