Today I was inspired by the sunny skies after school to take my camera outdoors in search of yellow. I didn't have to go very far before I found:
a friend's bicycle patiently waiting for spring,

a warning (keep your snowmobile out of the playground),

and a cheery door; one I'd never noticed before.

I found myself thinking, "How could I have missed
that?" But then it hit me. In the summer time, when I am often downtown, it is always during business hours. And during business hours that door is
always open. Then I didn't feel like such a complete blockhead.
I hope you have a lovely weekend. Mine is sure to include The Empire Strikes Back, playdough, dressing-up, pancakes or waffles (I can't decide), grading math tests and quizzes, at least 5 loads of laundry and quite possibly some sledding - although not necessarily in that order...