Sunday, February 9, 2025

Out and About

Today was a beautiful sunny day so Allen and I decided to take the dog for a walk. It's not our dog - she belongs to my mom, who is heading to Australia tomorrow. So the dog is ours for the next month.

I'm not sure who enjoyed spending some time outside more - Allen & I or Wrenn. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Gas Prices

Lots of people wonder about where we get gasoline for our snowmobiles on Mackinac Island. We buy it, just like you do on the mainland;  except we buy it at the hardware store instead of the gas station. We also only have two choices: gasoline or diesel, the latter of which I have personally never purchased on the island. 

I filled up my tank the other day and got 4.5 gallons (about 17 liters) for $32.80. Yep - this winter, gas on Mackinac costs $7.30 per gallon. Gas is definitely cheaper on the mainland;  I was in Petoskey earlier this week and paid $3.09 per gallon to fill up the car. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

More Ponderings

Are there ever things in your life that bother you, but don't seem to bother anyone else? I mean something that reaches out and grabs your attention while other people barely even notice? This happened to me recently and it got me wondering if other people ever have similar experiences. 

My son loved playing with Lego, and me being the hoarder I am, I couldn't bear to part with the giant tub of Lego we have in the basement. (You know - grandchildren.) Not too long ago, we hauled the tub up from the basement for some visiting kids to play with, and I noticed something:

My son had taken all the little people apart! Almost none of the Minifigs (as they are officially called) were complete; their heads, hair, torsos, legs, and arms were scattered throughout the tub. And it drove me crazy. And not a little crazy - it really bothered me knowing all the Minifigs were incomplete. Like, I couldn't fathom putting the Legos away without making sure the people were all in one piece!

So while the visitors were building, I sorted. And I sorted and sorted some more! I made sure to find each and every little piece (and those hands are tiny.) This week I finally had a few extra hours so I started by making piles: heads, hands, torsos, legs, hats and hair; and then I did my best to reconstruct them. They're not all perfect - I'm sure I mixed up quite a few of the pieces, but that little itch gnawing at the back of my head was gone because the Minifigs were whole again!

It didn't bother my kids or my husband in the slightest; they weren't even mildly irritated by the sorry state of the poor little Minifigs - but it drove me bonkers! So I wonder if it bothering me so much that I needed to put them back together is, well, just a tiny bit odd. Or even, quite a bit odd. 

If it is, tell me - I won't be offended, I am asking after all.