Sunday, February 9, 2025
Out and About
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Gas Prices
Saturday, February 1, 2025
More Ponderings
So while the visitors were building, I sorted. And I sorted and sorted some more! I made sure to find each and every little piece (and those hands are tiny.) This week I finally had a few extra hours so I started by making piles: heads, hands, torsos, legs, hats and hair; and then I did my best to reconstruct them. They're not all perfect - I'm sure I mixed up quite a few of the pieces, but that little itch gnawing at the back of my head was gone because the Minifigs were whole again!
It didn't bother my kids or my husband in the slightest; they weren't even mildly irritated by the sorry state of the poor little Minifigs - but it drove me bonkers! So I wonder if it bothering me so much that I needed to put them back together is, well, just a tiny bit odd. Or even, quite a bit odd.
If it is, tell me - I won't be offended, I am asking after all.