It's no longer a good idea to hide things up high where I think my daughter can't get at them, because she can. And even if she can't, she's going to try.
And, despite the fact that we've read Officer Buckle and Gloria numerous times, she completely ignored all of Officer Buckle's safety tips and stacked up those chairs to get at an item I had stashed on top of the china cabinet. (Thank goodness she didn't use a swivel chair! If that makes no sense to you, go get O.B. & G. from the library.) Guess I need a new - more out of sight - hiding place. Any suggestions?
And, despite the fact that we've read Officer Buckle and Gloria numerous times, she completely ignored all of Officer Buckle's safety tips and stacked up those chairs to get at an item I had stashed on top of the china cabinet. (Thank goodness she didn't use a swivel chair! If that makes no sense to you, go get O.B. & G. from the library.) Guess I need a new - more out of sight - hiding place. Any suggestions?
this made me laugh, yes I have a DD like that too.
good luck they have a sixth sense about this stuff!
I always had to keep changing the hiding places!
top shelf of the coat closet was a good one for a long time
Oh MY GOSH! That little Miss K is keeping you on your toes. There must have been something very exciting or interesting up there....let me guess, candy....or a horse!
Funny! She'll keep you hopping! I've never learned, I'm still one of those people who stand on swivel roller chairs to reach high things and I KNOW better!!! lol
Yikes! I would suggest the car trunk, but obviously that won't work in this case. Attic?
Oh, she's good! For years, mine never bothered to look (weird), but then suddenly, nowhere was safe. I now put them in the attic, in a suitcase!
They haven't discovered that yet :-)
Yikes! That's some tower! And at first glance I thought the bottom chair was a rocker...
(Love OB&G... So much we have a kitty named Gloria, in fact.)
EGADS. Padlocks woman, padlocks.
Your Officer Buckle and Gloria link cracked me up -- we used to read that book many (!) times every day. I'm pretty sure the kids can still quote it!
I have taken to hiding stuff in plain view. Fortunately, my super-messy studio helps make that possible :-)
Oh my...quite the creative child! Glad there wasn't a broken bone fpr her in this experience! I hide things under my jewelry box, back in the day....
closet with a knob that locks?
I have learned to hide things in my freezer behind the Brussel Sprouts if it's something that can be kept in the freezer...like my Reese's pb cups :-) otherwise I would hide stuff behind the extra toilet paper in the bathroom closet because my guys could never figure out how to put a new roll on - that's once for us moms - otherwise known as t.p. roll experts Ha Ha! Have a wonderful Tuesday and good luck with your possible future mountain climber daughter :-)
In a suitcase under the bed.....
If I didn't hide the sweets and chocolate my teenage son would make short work of them. He was pretty good at finding my hiding places, but for the last year or so they've been in the tumble dryer and he's not thought to look there.
Of course this is only any good if you don't use the tumble dryer!
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