Sunday, November 28, 2010
Old Man Winter
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Glimpse
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How To Fix a Holy Shirt
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Note to Self

And, despite the fact that we've read Officer Buckle and Gloria numerous times, she completely ignored all of Officer Buckle's safety tips and stacked up those chairs to get at an item I had stashed on top of the china cabinet. (Thank goodness she didn't use a swivel chair! If that makes no sense to you, go get O.B. & G. from the library.) Guess I need a new - more out of sight - hiding place. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New Doo

but came home looking like this:

I'm still not use to it, but it's growing on both of us...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Double Arches Over Mackinac
No, McDonald's isn't opening a restaurant on the island, but we did get treated to a breathtaking double rainbow yesterday. Thank goodness I had my camera with me because I think I will enter this next shot in the Seasons of Mackinac calendar contest. This was the first time I have ever seen an entire rainbow. I just can't describe how amazing this one was; stretching all the way from the bridge to the Grand Hotel. It was probably the most impressive rainbow I've ever seen. (Even better than this one.)
Now my brain has gone off on a tangent... I can't stop thinking about which island residents I would cast in each part if I were casting a new version of The Wizard of Oz. This is going to have me giggling all night long...
Monday, November 1, 2010

It's fall on Mackinac Island, and that means beautiful fall colors and the end of the tourist season. It also means vehicle permits can be issued for jobs that just can't be done with horse power. (Remember, motorized vehicles are illegal here.) Our City Council is quite careful - if a job can be done with horses they won't allow trucks to be used. However, some jobs just can't be done with horses; jobs like this and this:

The maple trees along Cadotte (the street that leads from town, past the school, and up to the Grand Hotel) are / were past their prime. Every year now it seems at least one looses a big branch during the island's strong fall and winter storms. So, sadly, it was time for many of them to come down. I knew it was only a matter of time, but I was surprised to see so many X's while we walked to town on Saturday.

As of this morning, they were all done cutting...

Now, all that's left to do is plant new trees.