My mom spent several days at my house recently helping me make mittens, mittens and more mittens. We took over the dining room and turned it into our own little mitten making factory. Between the two of us, we got 75 pair into various stages of completeness. The only down side to the whole thing was moving all those felted sweaters back upstairs into my sewing room; moving them downstairs was so much easier! It was really nice to spend one on one time with my mom. To
Thanks mom! I really appreciate all your help.
bribe her
I'm so excited, Liz. We've managed to carve out a weekend to come up to the island the first weekend in October. We're staying at Mission Point Resort (they were running a very nice deal this week for new reservations for fall). I've not stayed there yet. I guess we'll be able to check another hotel/inn off our list. Eventually we should stay at every place on the island! I will be looking for your mittens and flower pins!
The Mitten Mogul on Mackinac....
Moms rule!
What a wonderful mom!!! Looks like a sweater factory exploded in there, lol. We didn't get to see that hotel...maybe next year!
How sweet of your mom to help out! That's a lot of mittens and sweaters you both worked on! And then a nice meal out so no one had to cook -- even better :-) Have a great weekend!
I LOVE the Iroquois! It's a great place to stay, and you're right - the food is fabulous! I taught a quilting seminar there in the 80's!
What fun for you and your mom!
How is the first week of school? How are the kids adjusting? How are you doing? Hope all is well.
Precious time with a Mama, it's priceless. I would LOVE to come to the island for Fall - still hoping to next year for our anniversary. I will have to get some of those mittens. Enjoy your nice "cool" weekend. :) Still in the 90's here.
Oh, order the bacon wrapped shrimp appetizer - if they still have it. I ate it over four years ago, and have yet to forget it!
Incidently, what's the third restaurant? I know I've eaten a the Irish Pub and the Village Inn. Does the Mustang stay open?
And by the way, you are such a good person for doing this. I would be so sick of sweater by this point, if I was you, that I'd never want to see another sweater or mitten in my life!
and I was worried you wouldn't be able to find enough sweaters to fill your orders! Looks like you have that covered!!! Aren't Mom's great??? I can see my Mom doing that too! Just a thought ---- pay the kids to take the stuff back upstairs? I know it won't be where you want it, but at least you don't have to do the lugging!
Ohhhhh! Just look at that huge crafty mess! And all that yummy felted wool. wish i could have joined the two of you making mittens.
I am thrilled the mittens have been such a huge success. Bravo you!
Your mom is lucky! I would love to be in the middle of that messy sewing room with you!!
That is one wild dining room turned mitten factory!
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