My little guy started kindergarten this fall. He loves it, but tells his little sister, "It's much harder than pre-school." He's so excited to get up each day and always has lots of exciting news to share as the two of us walk home together. I know we're only a week into the school year, but I feel like he's off to a good start. I'll be off to a good start after I sit through his teacher's Back to School Night presentation tomorrow - it's the first time I get to sit in one of those small chairs instead of standing while I present to parents. When I taught kindergarten I use to make parents write with their feet to help them experience the motor control most five year-olds have in their hands, so I am quite curious what she has in store for us. I'm really looking forward to experiencing the other side of the table, but just to be safe, last night I painted my toenails...
On Mackinac Island we have half day kindergarten - in the afternoon only. The first graders come alone in the mornings and then the kindergartners join them for the afternoon. This year the K-1 class is BIG; there are 15 in there! I've taught on the island for 18 years and the average class (two elementary grades together) I've had is about 10.
On Mackinac Island we have half day kindergarten - in the afternoon only. The first graders come alone in the mornings and then the kindergartners join them for the afternoon. This year the K-1 class is BIG; there are 15 in there! I've taught on the island for 18 years and the average class (two elementary grades together) I've had is about 10.
And to think my graduating class had 1600 in it - whew! What a great class size you have there. Hope you don't have to write with your feet, lol - I'll have to try that sometime!
I can't imagine such small classes. Glad he's enjoyed the first week!
Interesting idea, the feet thing. Very creative!
Such a sweet photo. You two will have lots of great visits on the way home. (Much harder than preschool....precious!)
The picture is wonderful.
We have twin boys starting Kindergarten this year, but it is full day. They are enjoying it, but are still getting used to the long day.
Enjoy your walks home together!
Sweet picture...sweet boy. I love that he is so positive about it and that you have that time together up the hill.
You are so lucky to teach and have your children in such a small school. We live in a small community but in my daughter's 3rd grade class there is 32 kids. In the 3/4 split class there are 36 3rd graders and 26 4th graders. A class of 62? That's just crazy!
How exciting for your son going off to kindergarten - and what a nice big class of friends for him too! And it's so great that you are there with your children and can walk to and from school! I hope you didn't have to write with your feet - that is a good idea though to get the motor coordination across.
Happy Wednesday!!
My daughter started K too, my oldest is in 2nd. I can't imagine only having 15 kids in a class but I think that's great. I wish our classes were smaller here. This year there are 24 kids in my daughter's class. I'm just thankful it's not 30 that was projected. Could you imagine?!
Here's to a fantastic school year! Next year when I go to my daughter's kinder orientation I'll make extra sure my feet are presentable :)
The pic of your little guy is so adorable. And what a good big brother to prepare his sister for the "hard years." :)
Love the feet idea.
Aww...your the little guy is so sweet. Our pre-school or kindergarten classes are rarely that small (even in expensive schools).
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