As I was driving the other day, I noticed these sunflowers growing by the side of the road near my parent's house. The light was just perfect, so of course, I had to stop and take a few pictures. My dad is going to love this one - I'm certain that's one of his bees.

Seems like the light is often just right in September, doesn't it?
Spectacular photo with the bee, Liz! I'm wondering if you'd sell a copy to a bloggy friend??? :-)
So lovely!
Fall is definitely in the air! We are FINALLY in the lower 50's for the lows. Hallelujah!
The sunflowers are gorgeous....and the bee. :)
Liz! You're so cool! You are featured over on the Filth Wizardry blog! Cool. :)
I so do love these sunflower pictures..... makes me wish that fall could last forever!
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