Both S and K enjoy the butterfly houses. (Yes, it's another homemade hat.) S, my little budding entomologist, loves that he can get up close and personal with the butterflies. But he knows the cardinal rule, "We can't touch the butterflies because we will hurt them!" Though like all toddlers he pushes the rules and I have to keep an eye on him. If it was up to him he'd bring his net and little bug house with him every time we went and we'd leave with some new "pets."
K, on the other hand, is not so sure about those flying things - she is a bit fearful. She's usually OK, unless one of them lands on her. Is one does, she lets out a little shriek and whimpers, "I scared." (We're working on that.) She seems to enjoy walking through the gardens, looking at the turtles and goldfish in the pond, and trying to find the little birds that fly around inside the greenhouse.

Sounds like a lovely outing! My girls would be thrilled to see butterflies, turtles, goldfish, and birds all in one place. :)
We used to have one at our local zoo. Now that spot is reserved for the albino aligator. My kids never got to see the butterfly "exhibit". Which is really too bad, because I'm afraid Ty is a bit obsessed with bugs, spiders, butterflies, etc. Maybe both of our guys WILL be entomologists!
btw, just got a package from the mailman! It's from YOU! I'm so excited for my hubby to plant those bulbs when he gets home. I haven't opened the box yet, but will when he gets here! He's the planter around here :)
and thank you! thank you! thank you!
Really... aren't kids just so fascinating to watch. You will be so glad that you have these pictures one day, huh?
My oldest is 14 and he wouldn't notice a butterfly right now if it landed on his nose. :) A pretty girl from a mile away, yes.. I don't tell him out loud, but he is still my baby...
And he doesn't tell his friends out loud, but he still hugs his mom every night before bed and tells me he loves me. So many things will never change.
These pictures are so cute. Kids are so fun! Thank you for your assuring comments! Kayce
That sounds like a wonderful place to visit.
We have a butterfly house - its only 700km away at Melbourne Zoo!!!
Shannon must be from Utah too LOL I was going to say the same thing. We had a butterfly house but now it has a dumb aligator in it. Why can't they have both? They both like it humid and tropical right?
I used to try to go to the zoo by myself. It was my goal to spend the entire day inside the butterfly building taking pictures. But my kids have this weird thing, when they find out I am going to the zoo, they want to go too. What's up with that?
So alas, I never get to take pictures for very long because the longest I have been able to keep them in there is 15 minutes, there are bears to see you know.
When I run away from home and come visit you on your beautiful island I will bring my camera and we can go see the butterflies.
Love that first shot... just beautiful! We could hang out in butterfly houses for a long time, too. Hopefully the weather and our schedules will cooperate for our next Shakespeare play and we'll be able to go to Stan Hywet early and enjoy our winged friends before the show.
I love that second shot...the patient attention, lol! So cute!
I've never been in a butterfly house..it would be so cool!
I wish more places would do that for locals, give a discount or free...In Hawaii, most places will have a kamaaina discount for locals, where it's either way cheap or free. I've never seen anywhere else that does it, though. :(
The part about your son wanting to take them home made me laugh. I guess I just think it's cute. Great picture of him crouched down studying the butterfly. You can just see his curiosity and fascination with it.
I have two Munchkins who this summer have developed a fear of all bugs that fly! Argh! The oldest Munchkin is definitely a vet in training, she loves animals!
the butterflies are beautiful -- the kiddies to cute for words. i found your web through Tallgrass Prairie Studio....
I will be scared too...well kind of but a hat will offer me some security :-)
I linked to you from Jacquie, Love the butterfly house, in fact I am jealous! Your kids are adorable!
Well, obviously everyone else already knows of your mad quilting skillz. I, on the other hand, who can't sew anything without drawing blood, am absolutely enamoured of your homemade hats. It almost makes me want to go run out and learn how to "make stuff". I'm trying to figure out how you found my blog. Our blog rolls don't overlap, so I have no idea. Do you?
- Margaret
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