Living on an island that is 80% state park means we have an abundance of small critters running around the neighborhood. Mr. Toady makes regular appearances in the garden as do the slugs. (They're disgustingly HUGE - even for me!) We've also seen foxes in the backyard as well as a coyote early one morning this past winter.

S finds them all incredibly interesting, so it is no surprise that Jerry Pallotta's books are his current favorites. (Before you decide he is a complete geek at three and a half, he also asks for Dora's Fairy Tale Adventure at least three times a day...) You'll either love Jerry Pallotta's books or you'll hate them. We love them. S is not-so-much interested in the alphabet part as he is into the factual information about each creature. There is just enough on each page to interest him but not so much as to be overwhelming.
We actually own quite a few of his books - eleven to be exact. I thought I owned most of them, but he's been busy. Since I bought these (years ago to use in school, before I had children) he's come out with a ton more. Now if I could just get S to leave the slugs alone.... Have you ever tried to wash slug slime off?
Oh! That slug is really big!
Hope your grandma is doing well.
We got a room in St Ignace for Sunday night of Labor Day Weekend! Yeah!
Slugs are one creature (along with ticks and chiggers) that i would happily do without. I can't even imagine washing off slug slime!
Yay slugs! Yay the state park!
No sign of Mr. Buffet...I really wouldn't know what he looks like :-) Good marketing ploy though...
Good to hear that Grandma is on the mend.
I try the hardest to like/appreciate toads & slugs (lizards, snakes, etc...) but I think it's just beyond me!
slugs - yuck! I'm definitely going to be checking those books out! My kids are in love with books and my Ty is in love with bugs - good match!
What a beautiful Toad you have!! Aren't they wonderful! They are great slug hunters and love all kinds of insects. Thanks for sharing.
We, too, live with a good array of wildlife, being just at the foothills, near the mouth of a canyon. These books look wonderful, I wonder how I've missed them! So many new titles to add to my wish list! :)
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