On Friday morning Grandma will be getting new hip number three. Three you ask, how is that possible? Well, she got one replaced about 20 years ago and now that pesky hip has worn out and the ball will not stay in the socket. Something which is quite uncomfortable I am told. (Grandma I'll just take your word for it.) For a couple of months she was able to wiggle it back into place when it came out, but that isn't working any more. So, Grandma is currently in the hospital awaiting surgery. Keep your fingers crossed for her - at 87 a big surgery like this is a fairly big deal. Luckily she is in pretty good health and nothing else is really wrong with her. So there won't be much sewing for me in the next few days. Instead I'll be down at the hospital with Grandma.

Photo from: http://www.lopatka.net/Hip/
I will keep your grandma in my thoughts and prayers! I bet your grandma is worth a lot more than that. I can see it in her smile! You are so wonderful for being there for her. So many people are so wrapped up in their own lives they would not take the time!
Thoughts, prayers, and best wishes to grandma!
And how nice (even under these circumstances) to be able to spend some time with her. ;)
Grandma is too cute for words. I hope all goes well for her. Thanks for the comment on my blog. It's nice to hear from another michigander.
Your Grandma is absolutely beautiful Liz!! Praying she is doing well tonight! My hips hurt at the mere thought of having to push the socket back in myself....AUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Prayer going up for your grandma,And family.Shows just how much we all love our grandmothers.Sure miss mine.
great photos!
hugs ginger
What a beautiful grandma! I hope all went well for her!
Hope Grandma is doing well. My mom had the same surgery... twice.
Here's wishing your Grandma well!
What a sweet-looking grandma!
I know major surgery is a really big deal at her age, but my grandfather-in-law (mid 80s) is having his 2nd hip done soon, and he had a remarkably quick recovery he first time despite the worries and warnings of all doctors involved.
Hope your grandma heals quickly too!
Grandma is on the mend. They moved her to acute rehab today. She'll have three hours of rehab every day. I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
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