I've been sewing like a mad-woman for the past few days. A dear friend of mine, who is a nurse downstate, asked me to make masks for her. I know there is debate about the merits of cloth masks, but she's a nurse and she wants them. So who am I to argue?

20 of them will soon be headed her way. Sewing them was like a walk down memory lane. They were all made from leftover fabric I hoarded, I mean saved for a rainy day: my daughter's bicycle dress, a Captain Underpants cape, headbands, Jaguar Girl, and more Halloween costumes than I can count.
I hope they keep her safe. She's got some trying times ahead and anything I can do to help her will be time well spent.
Stay well Chandra!
I see folks are having a hard time finding elastic around here..yours tie. That's great.
I bet she will be glad to have all the fun fabrics to help her get through this.
You are an angel.
I've heard about the elastic issues. My mom bought be a binding attachment for my coverstitch machine - it was a godsend! She is now asking for hats to cover hear head, so that is this week's project...
Did you use a certain weight of fabric?
Or do they have a pocket for a filter or something.
I'm just using quilting weight cotton fabrics that I had in my sewing room. I did leave a pocket for a filter, but they expand and are supposed to fit over a doctor's mask...
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