I was riding my bike home the other day, and this dray carrying a load of paving stones past me near the top of Grand Hill. I felt like Richard Dryfus' character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Remember how he kept seeing Devil's Tower in everything. I kept staring at that load of rocks thinking,
"The shape of that rock looks so familiar."
So I road up to the dray to get a better look at it. It was just a piece of stone, packaged with about eight or ten other pieces. None of them looked cut, or treated in any special way. They just looked like randomly shaped paving stones headed to someones yard.
That's when it hit me:
That's when it hit me:

It wasn't a perfect Mackinac Shape, but it was so close. Now it's got me wondering if the person who is walking on it every day has noticed...

It was one of those days where I was thrilled that I actually remembered to put my camera in my backpack that morning. Remembering actually was a big deal. Given some changes that have happened at work this year, I'm going in about 15 different directions. I actually left the island this week to go to a doctor's appointment and left my overnight bag in my bike cart on the dock! I couldn't believe it - I've lived here 20 years and that was the first time I've ever left the island without my stuff. Did I ever feel silly...
That is awesome (the Mackinac Island shaped stone, not the forgetting of your bag). You and the other teachers have been on my mind- I know being short a teacher this year has got to be crazy. So many lesson plans! Take care!
That is very cool! The stone, that is. NOT cool, forgetting your stuff - sounds like something I would do, lol! That's when you know you have a lot on your mind.
That shape does look like it, but my question is have you started making mountains of your mashed potatoes yet ? :-)
Happy Tuesday!
LIZ!!! You won't believe it...but that was the first thing I thought of when I saw that stone!!! It must be a sign...I'm destined to be a Mackinac Islander someday!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
Totally cool though! ;)
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