Thankfully, we still have two weeks of summer vacation here on Mackinac Island. And yes, we plan to savor
every minute. There are kites to watch, fudge to eat, bugs to catch, horses to ride and more rocks than we can throw in a lifetime. Summer's been good to us this year -

so very good...
two weeks of bliss...keep enjoying it!
Mmmmm. fudge. Eat some for me! How awesome that you have two more weeks yet...I go back tomorrow.
Us too!! Two more weeks, and a good summer and cramming more in to those two weeks.
I came across your blog while I was looking things up for our upcoming trip to Mackinac Island during the 2nd weekend in September. I LOVE your blog! Living on the island sounds like the perfect place for my husband and I to start a family. If only he could figure out a way to work from home...
I do have one question; since there are few students to a class, do they have a shorter school day?
we'll be savoring right along with you. we just won't have the awesome surroundings, sand, or horses, but we'll be savoring!!
ENJOY it Liz - you live in a beautiful place!
In Michigan, the state requires students to have a certain number of HOURS in school. Districts determine the length of the day and the length of the year to meet the hour requirement. We begin instruction at 8:20 and end our day at 3:10. The elementary kids get a 20 minute morning recess and everyone gets a 30 minute lunch period. This year our first day is September 7th and we end on Friday June 3rd. We'll get a little over a week off at Christmas and a week around Easter. We don't take President's Day, MLK Day, etc. off so we can get out earlier in June.
I do feel like I can cover more material since I have fewer students. But, since I am teaching two grade levels at a time, it averages out. (I teach 4th - 5th grade math and science for half the day and 6th - 7th grade math and science for half the day.)
I think our schools should follow that schedule. August 11 is just too HOT to start back.
Hope you enjoy your last couple of weeks vacation.
Always enjoy the things you share!
Happy Monday.
Thanks for the reply :-)
I liked it better when we started the last couple days in August. The kids are ready. We had a busy/fast summer. Camping with my 11yo on Wed for 3 nights.
I wish the Island wasn't so pricey. I love visiting.
Hi Liz! Well, I'm back from our visit to Michigan and Mackinac Island. Ah...I loved it! (Except the MPR...horrible service...won't ever go back)
I found your mittens and bought a darling pair. The lady at The Jaunting Cart said you had been in just that morning. I'm sorry to have missed you!
It was quite the exciting day though...we got to see the only vehicles on the island in action...the ambulance and the fire engine.
Can't wait to come back again. I see how you can love to live there!
Kristin in AZ ... where I own a beautiful pair of $40 mittens that I wonder when I will get to wear! (But they were just too cute not to buy!)
this summer has been grand. our garden overfloweth. mark made his second batch of dill picles sunday. we are still eating sugar snap peas and i am not tired of them at all. but tomarrow i ma makig a small load of enchiladas...only a dozen. everyone around here says is gonna be a dusie of a winter...the rain carrying over to snow, lots and lots of snow. we will see......
How nice to have more time to spend with your family enjoying the rest of the summer! I remember when I went to school ( of course that was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth HaHa!) that we never started until the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Happy Tuesday!
It was lovely catching up here today, Liz. I'm glad your summer has been so nice. Ours has been uncharacteristically fast and busy. Not on purpose, but all good things. Good luck as you start your school year!
Thanks, Liz, for dropping by and commenting on our trip to Mackinac island this month. I have some more posts planned about the island.
I love to knit and love your mitts over at your other blog.
Oh the fudge!!!
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