My uberhandy husband is currently building us a bike rack. I'm so excited - the front of the house will look so much better; no more bikes scattered willy-nilly. He was lamenting the fact that he didn't have his own forge and anvil, but I am quite impressed. He liked the bike rack at the post office so he took measurements, ordered the steel, built a bending jig and started work on this six-bike beauty. I can't wait till it has a coat of paint and can use it. Perhaps when I get home.
The kids and I are down in southern Indiana visiting Grandma and Grampie, so I
may be missing in action for a while. I've got mending to work on, curtains to line for Grandma, and a stack of books from my friend
Kelaine just itching to be read. It's going to be a wonderful trip.
dont you just love it when dh can do something like that. mark is working on rechaulking all the windows and then painting the frames. the windows in front porch are only single pane but we plan to use that plastic on both sides which should really help. we dont know if we are going to put a heat run out there or go with a floorboard electrical heater...i want to grow plants out there all winter. i just got too many in the house. my snap dragons from last year are still blooming their heads off and growing like crazy. i am just seeing how long they will last inside...i brought them in the end of last summer. have a great and safe trip.
Wow, what a guy - can't wait to see it! Have a wonderful time!
AWESOME! he sounds like such a go-getter! :)
Wow! He is uberhandy! What a great thing to have. Do show pictures when you return...and have a wonderful time away!
A. is such a renaissance man!
Oh that's going to be fantastic!
Have a great time away, enjoy your stack of books :)
Bravo to a wonderful hubby! I can't wait to see the rack too. And enjoy your trip!
Hello...it looks like you are having a great summer! I am so jealous of your bike rack, I have wanted one for years with 6 people in our house bikes are everywhere! 2 of my children have a thing for bikes and like to re-build or keep parts or rescue an old bike so we have more than 6 bikes, argh! great job
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