If you are wondering about the tent, it's in our backyard. We've been using it as a play house / fort this summer. I bought it years ago to use for reenacting but it hasn't seen much daylight since I got married. Hubby thought it might be fun for the kids to use outside. My son has loved having the tent. All kinds of bugs have moved in and they are quite easy for him to catch against that light canvas background. I've been working on a bug house for him to keep them in so they can stay safely outside.
I thought that kind of tent looked familiar, what kind of reenacting? We were civil war for many years until the kids came along, never thought about letting them use the tent to play in...
My boys would LOVE to have a tent in our backyard but we don't have the space. I did tell them we could try to do one of those pole bean forts next summer so we'll see.
I love those hats -- I'd wear one!!
When my son was younger we would put his play tent in the backyard. He would have loved the tent in your yard!!
Cute hats! I love the tent - when I was a kid, I had a pup tent up all summer in the yard. I don't remember a lot of bugs though...maybe my mom kept it sprayed. She's the one I got the bug phobia from, lol.
Love the hats. The tent is pretty cute too. Layla loves bugs
Your back yard looks amazing, never mind the tent! Nice hats, too.
I am still a little girl inside and I would so love to come sit in your tent!!! We used to have our inside while the children were growing up in Phoenix and it was 100+ every day. Once you are inside - same magic!
LOVE the hats. Did I miss a tutorial somewhere????
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