They took so long to make because each one has twenty buttonholes and I don't have an automatic buttonhole foot for my machine. I'll be adding that to my Christmas list...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Pillowcase Bag
Monday, June 29, 2009

It is raining here this morning, so we won't be going out walking today. I'm not complaining mind you, we desperately need it. While we were out walking yesterday we noticed that almost all the lady slippers are gone now. So sad - I just love them. Guess I'll just have to wait until next year...

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Art & Nature in the Park
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Shirt Dress Shirt

Brenda shared this tutorial with me the other day. K may have to get ones of these too!
Monday, June 22, 2009

Now look at him again with my foot for a size reference.
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Above, in the yellow shirt, is "Grandpa from Florida;" he taught me to always hold my family dear. He didn't always have one - his mom died when he was young and his dad was a traveling salesman, so he spent a lot of time as a child in orphanages waiting for dad to come back from sales trips. I remember getting letters from him often. They always reminded me to remember other people's special days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and while I found it silly as a child, it was an important lesson.
This handsome fellow is my dad - circa 1959.
That's his high school graduation picture, so I never knew him when he was that cute. I love science fiction because of of my dad. We use to sit on the couch and watch Star Trek together. He also taught me to love the natural world, science, and always made me feel intelligent. My dad (and my mom) are ham radio operators. I remember coming home from school one day and telling my dad we learned about Ohm's Law that day and he asked me to explain it to him. (He was also a high school science teacher.) After I did he put his arm around me and told me, "That's the hardest part of the amateur radio license test! All you need to do is learn Morse Code and you'll have your license." Not that I had any desire to get my license, but it felt good to believe that I could if I wanted to.
Now I'm wondering what my children will remember about their father...
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Shirt Dress

Now I just need to get K to actually wear the darn thing. Except for about 10 minutes immediately after I finished it, she has refused to wear it.

Tomorrow I am heading off the island to shop for groceries, thrift, return cans, and to pick up more fabric for tea cozies - which I realize I haven't told you about yet. Soon, I promise...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
One Down...
We went to the Medical Center earlier this week after S had complained about a headache, and now he has an ear infection and is on antibiotics. Jeez! The doctor also tested him for mono but thank goodness he came back negative! So we are all taking things pretty easy this weekend. How about you, what are you up to?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I Love a Parade

S giggled and pointed as they walked past while K covered her ears. (She did as every band passed.)
"Too woud!" she'd say.

They may have been loud, but there's nothing like people having fun to put a smile on your face.

We liked these ladies, too.
The Northern Michigan Beach Queens.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Just in time

Friday, June 12, 2009
Back Home

Even though her eye isn't perfect yet, the doctor felt she was well enough to go home as long as we followed up with him today in St. Ignace. St Ignace is just north of the bridge, so we'll hop on the ferry, see the doctor, and pop into one of my favorite thrift shops afterward for a quick peruse.
For the next week or two K has to take an oral antibiotic three times a day. She also is taking Zantac to help her tummy deal with the antibiotic. Even though she is going to have to take it easy this summer due to the mono, she is thrilled to be home. When we were in the hospital she actually asked, "Can we go home Mama? I want my own bed." Me too honey, me too. We both slept like rocks last night.
Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers, and kind words. I don't have time right now to reply to each of you individually, but know that your thoughtfulness helped brighten my days at the hospital.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Oh yeah, she has Mono, too.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Rainy Sunday

No bees out working today.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

Just a short walk from the Welcome Center are several ponds stocked with various species of trout ready to gobble up whatever is food is offered. Sometimes they get a little aggressive with one another. Look at that first picture again. That splash was made by Mr. Bigger Fish racing to get to the food before Mr. Smaller Fish got there. You should have heard the kids giggling and seen the looks on their faces - it was priceless. I love seeing the wonder in their eyes when we do things like this; it's one of my favorite parts about being a parent.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Welcome Home

Last year we harvested about three gallons of honey from my husband's one hive. This year he's got two. Now I need to start collecting recipes that use honey. Might you have any to share? If so, send them my way!
Monday, June 1, 2009

My friend, Wendy, recently closed out her storage unit. Which meant everything had to fit into her new apartment. Her grandmother was quite the crafter and since Wendy didn't have the room or the desire to keep these goodies, she passed them on to me. Nothing like a big box full of vintage buttons and some sharp German-made scissors to put a smile on this pack-rat's face. I didn't really need six new pairs (or is it pair?) of scissors, but I just couldn't say no. They say admitting that you have a problem is the first step, right?

The buttons have already come in handy. I was the chief costumer for the 4th - 7th grade school play this spring (A.K.A. last week.) Unfortunately, the hat the Witch's mother ordered was too small. No problem, I opened up the seam to give her an extra inch of head space and then covered the opening with a cockade. The green button in the center matched the trim and the Witch's dress perfectly. (The only problem was my son yelling out, "Mama, the Gingerbread Witch stole your hat!" as she rode her broom onto the stage at the beginning of scene two. At least the folks sitting near us found it amusing.)