Monday, November 6, 2023

At Peace

When you live on Mackinac Island, you have to make peace with the rain. We spend a lot of time outside, so in the fall and spring that often includes rainy days. Don't worry - we all have gear to get through these unpleasant days. In fact, unless it is below freezing, my raingear is always with me; you never know when you're going to need it. And I'd rather carry it with me than bike home, in the rain, without it.

So this morning, rather than being frustrated about having to take K to the mainland for a doctor's appointment in a torrential downpour, I tried to focus on gratitude. What was I thankful for? The Cat was running! That meant our ferry trip across would only take 20 minutes instead of the 45 minute trip I was mentally prepared for. What a lovely surprise on an otherwise dreary morning.

For my walk home (still raining) I chose the less traveled path through the woods. Mackinac did not disappoint. Even on a gray rainy afternoon, Mackinac Island is gorgeous. It's hard not to be grateful to be alive when you get to walk home through this.


1 comment:

Amanda Andrews said...

What a stunning forrest walk. Take that way more please!!!!