We made most of the family's traditional cookies; many of which my great-great grandparents brought with them when they emigrated from Germany. I have clear memories of making many of these with my mom and grandma when I was a little girl, though as a kid I was blissfully unaware of just how much work went into some of them.
Some of the recipes are amazing. A couple are so old they still call for baker's ammonia, and others just seem like they would have taken an incredible amount of work. The springerles, for example, need to
be beaten for 30 minutes. I can't even imagine doing that before the
invention of the electric mixer. Even with a hand crank mixer - doing it
for 30 minutes would get really old really fast. I guess that's what kids were for, and why these cookies must have been such a special treat. They definitely weren't something mom was just going whip up.
I'm listing what we made here so I'll remember who liked what. The only bad thing about them is that we're enjoying them so much there may not be any left for Christmas!
Springerle - molded (and then dried overnight) traditionally flavored with anise; we also made lavender
Nuremburger - slightly citrus flavored rolled and cut cookie, decorated with sugar (the kids' favorite to decorate)
Chocolate nuts - meringue-based drop cookie made with chocolate and hazelnuts (my mom's favorite)
Zitronenherzen - lemon flavored, heart-shaped, glazed cookie made with almond flour (my son's favorite)
Zimtsterne - cinnamon flavored, star-shaped, meringue based cookie made with ground almonds and hazelnuts, topped with meringue
Mandelberg - meringue based, drop cookie made with slivered almonds (my daughter's favorite)
Scottish shortbread - baked in a ceramic mold as well as cut out; not German, but still a long-time family favorite (Liz and Allen's favorite)