A week or so ago my husband discovered a wonderful little lake in Mackinaw City. At its deepest point it's only about 10 feet, so it's a perfect spot for adventurous little ones. My daughter was content to build sand castles on an old cinder block, but my son was in heaven. He and Papa waded around the edge of the lake - stopping to investigate
every last inch. S found clams, crayfish, turtle eggs, shed insect exoskeletons and numerous other treasures, that much to his dismay, his horrible mother made him leave behind. In the end he agreed that the living clams really would be better off if he left them
in the lake, and on two clam shells instead. If you live anywhere near Mackinaw City, Michigan,
French Farm Lake is worth the trip.
What a nice place for your little ones to play and explore - I had to chuckle at your son wanting to bring various bits and pieces and creatures home - I have 2 boys and when they were little I was always finding interesting things in their pockets :-) Happy Sunday to your and your family!
Fun picture....what a neat spot!
Good call on the live clams. When I was a kid, I brought home a bunch of them, unbeknownst to my mother. It took a while to figure out what the horrible smell in my closet was! :)
i loved to explore the tide line with tori...the treasures we would find. i will go visit with her, next year probably. i should be all skinny by then, will she recognize her ol nana.
i am starting to knit once again. i really missed it. gotta get those socks finished. i am swimming three days a week for only one hour. mark said i was pushing it swimming for three...but i like to swim so much. oh well, i will swim for the one hour for now. :-)
my jeans finally fit...couldn't believe it when they just slid on saturday a.m. happy dance.
hope all is well on your home front. take care
Looks like a wonderful discovery! Isn't it amazing to find such great places so near home! I've been thinking of you and your grandmother.
It's amazing to me how long little boys can be entertained by a small lake or pond. My son has been a little obsessed this spring with the pond near our home. Him and his buddies have been trying in vain to catch a frog for weeks.
Your pictures are beautiful!
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