A while back Jeanette over at Keep Me in Stitches tagged me for this meme, so I thought I'd play along.

In kindergarten I discovered that all nine letters of Elizabeth took forever to write, but Liz was much quicker. So I'm Liz; all three-easy-to-write-block-letters Liz. That's my birth announcement. I was born in the US so why my dad used kilograms I don't know. (2.66 kg = 5 lbs 13 oz in case you were curious. I would be...)

Favorite Color: I love blue. Light blue, navy blue, colonial blue… you name it, I love it.

Favorite City: That is a tough one… there are lots of cities that I haven’t visited yet. Probably, right now, I would have to say Dublin, Ireland. I spent the summer there when I was 15 and spent a lot of time with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Felicity. They are both gone now… Dublin will always have a special place in my heart because it reminds me of them. (We use to walk over this bridge to get to my Uncle's shop.)
Photo credit: http://www.chl.ie/dublin.gif
Bad Habit: I have so many… Probably my worst one is being a big worrier - usually about things over which I have absolutely no control.

Photo credit: http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/RIC/2300-8232~Einstein-Do-Not-Worry-Posters.jpg
Favorite Animal: I must admit, I am a turtle fan.
Past Love: hmmmmm… Not quite sure how to answer this one, so I won't...
First Job: babysitting at 12 – which was too young. Especially divorced parents who did not get along at all. The dad (the custodial parent) told me not to let the mom speak to the kids; take a message and tell her they'll call her back tomorrow. When I wouldn’t let her speak to the kids, she called the police. I was so scared when the police rang the bell and asked to see those kids. Needless to say I didn't babysit for that family again. That's me in elementary school - not twelve yet though. I couldn't find a middle school picture...

I have also always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. I bet you will beat me there. That was a very nice post. Love the babysitting story.
great post!
WE WEIGHED the exact same at birth! That's cool! AND.... thanks for sharing all the other stuff! I love to read about other people's interests and childhoods! Great post! Love all the pics!
I loved reading this! :)
Sounds like you live in an amazing place. Hope I can visit some day. Soon I put a picture of myself. I feel like I know you so much better.
Hey! We can go to Williamsburg together! YAY It would be so nice to go with someone who appreciates history as much as I do.
I am a chronic worrier too. As I sit here in the midst of a two day run of consecutive anxiety attacks *Sigh*
I loved reading more about you, Liz. :)
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