
Friday, February 4, 2022


We probably had 15 or so tourists on snowmobiles drive past the school this afternoon. (After having driven across the ice bridge.) Lots of them stopped to admire this gorgeous view. One of my students, who recently moved to Mackinac from Hawaii, asked how I could tell the people were tourists. I explained: a sure fire way to tell if someone is a tourist is to look to see if their coat or helmet match their snowmobile. If they match they're a tourist; if they're wearing Carhartt or things are mismatched they're probably a local. Oh, and if they're riding with kids, they're a local for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Carhartts for sure. That is how I sort out the skiers from Detroit from the farmers who are skiing on the slopes in north MI! interesting to see it holds true for the island. My husband only has Carhartts but I still don't think you would mistake him for a local. They smell of barn other than horse smell would be better. hehehe


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