
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Old Man Winter

We came home this weekend to a smidgen of snow. Not much really, perhaps an inch or so on the grass. So, of course, the kids didn't want to come inside when we got off the taxi. This was the first snow of the season! Well, it was the first snow of the season that didn't melt away as soon as it hit the ground, and it was calling to them.

About twenty five minutes later a very proud little boy poked his head in the front door and asked, "Mama, do you have any buttons I can use?" 

"Of course, what do you want them for?" I asked. 

"My snowman needs eyes. Leaves aren't working! Every time I put them on him his head explodes," he answered.

"I'll be out in a minute," I said as I went up to my sewing room to dig out some appropriate buttons.  While I was looking for just the right set of eyes he came in again and yelled up the stairs, "When you come out will you please bring your camera? I want a picture of my snowman."

Like mother, like son - I already had it around my neck...


  1. Love the snowman!
    I had to laugh when he asked if "YOU" had buttons, LOL! YOU of all people! I remember your button storage post! Please tell him it's an adorable snowman! We haven't had any stick here in Zeeland yet. My hubby wants to come to the island really bad over New Years...we've never been after October before. I just don't know...I always worry about getting stuck in bad weather on the way up in winter. I'm a worry-wart, LOL!

  2. "His head explodes!"

    Ah, the delight of boys.

  3. Aww what a cute snowman. We just got a dusting of snow yesterday that I could gone outside to make a snowman with, but I stayed inside and drank hot chocolate and ate cookies instead :-) Happy Thursday!!

  4. I'd say that's the cutest snow man I've ever seen! And yes....the exploding head is priceless.

  5. i need new eyes...maybe buttons will work for me too :O)

    love it!



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