
Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Glimpse

Here it is - the photo I promised of the new trees. The gentlemen planting them told me they are a hybrid maple called "Autumn Blaze" and they'll be a beautiful red color next fall. They may be small now, but in 50 years they'll be just as majestic as their predecessors. (Some of which still remain - just look down the street.)

The tree guys also told me each tree is between eight and ten years old, and if I wanted a few for my front yard it would set me back between $350 and $400 each. But they're so worth it, don't you think? I think the street would look pretty naked without them...


  1. I'm so glad they replaced them right away!

  2. i must of missed something here, but what happened to the original trees? i would be so sad to loose the maples up where we are. we have those traps out for the ash borrers, which are a bummer. the guy next door cuts wood and one spring we had some creepy flyers in the yard. he cold bring something scary into the neighborhood. he is such a creep anyway. heating with wood just takes so much work. mark is not up to the task.
    i am in austin visiting with my oldest son and wife. we are having a very nice time. mary, gave me her old laptop. it works great. it will be another thing to carry onto the plane but im up for it. we went to this huge thrift shop yesterday and i got about 7 pair of jeans. 4 i can wear now and 3 for a bit later. mary is giving me some of her old jeans too. iwill be set for a while. take care. oh...loved the self hair cut, where was his teacher.

  3. Autumn Blaze are beautiful trees....they have the most vivid color in the fall. You'll enjoy the beauty they bring for years!

  4. I love the Fall leaf colors on those type of Maples - our neighbor has one and they just seem to blaze up and look so pretty! Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Beautiful trees! My favorite tree in the fall.

  6. I could not imagine that street without trees. Good to know that the traditional landscaping there is being continued!


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