
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Fix a Holy Shirt


Take that holy shirt.
You know, the shirt she ripped a hole in the very first time she wore it.

Add some cute fabric.

Finish with some creative placement and a little  raw-edge applique and voila! no more holes.
Of course, big brother needed a shirt too...


  1. So cute! My #2 Son would have LOVED the Spiderman shirt when he was little! Very clever of you to add the webbing!

  2. Great idea. Too bad I can't use this trick on my husband's pants. Can't see unicorns (or Spiderman) working with a conservative shirt and tie. :)

  3. Where did you get that adorable unicorn fabric? Ruby would love it.

  4. You are so creative!!! Just this morning I retrieved my sewing machine from the back of my closet and dusted it off for my Mom to borrow. And was thinking how I would love to make SOMETHING...
    The shirts are really cute. :)

  5. cutest shirts ever! love them did a great job.

  6. What a great idea! They are both cute.

  7. Very creative reuse/recycling! I especially like Mr. Spiderman.

  8. Hahaha... memories... I did that with my kids clothes too... many moons ago!!! They used to love it!!! Thanks for the memories... 8-)


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