
Friday, December 10, 2010

An Open Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Please send Mackinac Island some snow. I'm certain you can imagine just how cold it is riding a bicycle in nine degrees weather. Not to mention the challenge of keeping a bicycle upright on icy patches. I tried asking Mother Nature to drop a few inches, but as of yet she has been unwilling to cooperate. I thought dressing up as Frosty the Snowman for the Boyne City Santa parade this year might help, and it did; the Boyne / Petoskey area got quite a bit. Unfortunately, Mackinac didn't get more than a dusting. Santa, anything you could do to get some snow to Mackinac Island would be much appreciated.




  1. WOW! I figured you'd have way more than us! We've already got probably half a foot! I will be happy to send some your way. ;)

  2. Santa can bring some my way too - we've had about a dusting and that's it! Tomorrow night, rain, changing to ice maybe, and I don't like that.....

  3. We had some, but it all melted...I would have shared it with you willingly!

  4. Your snowman costume is too cute!!! :)


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