
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Does This Pyramid Make Me Look Fat?

What do you think? Now be honest. It's a great accessory, but I don't know if it really goes with this particular outfit.

Well, my new boyfriend doesn't seem to mind; in English the Egyptians call him "The Sphin-kus." Sadly it ended up being a one afternoon stand. When it was time to go I just couldn't get him to budge.

I didn't ride a camel t the pyramids this time. I decided to walk in to the pyramids instead. Mohammed, our driver, walked me to the entrance gate and from that point I was on my own - which apparently is somewhat of an oddity. Egyptians and other Arab tourists constantly asked if they could take my picture or have their picture taken with me. I always said yes and then asked if I could take their picture. It worked out beautifully because I got lots of pictures of Egyptians - especially women. The veiled woman below lifted her veil so her face would show in the picture with her friends. She was even going to leave it up in my photo and smiled when I motioned for her to put it back down.

Everywhere I went while I walked around I was greeted with "What's your name?" and "Welcome! Welcome to Egypt." Then the invariable picture request. I just smiled. I'd love to convince my self that they were all swept away by my beauty, but I think it had more to do with me being an unescorted blonde-haired western woman. Either way it was a hoot.

It was a great day. I got to walk around the pyramids that I didn't get to explore the last time I was here and experience a little local color. Plus I picked up a little kitsch for the kids. It was so good, in fact, that I'm still smiling...


  1. That sounds so fun, wandering by yourself - I LOVE the pic of you kissing Sphinx....that sunshine looks incredible!

  2. Love the kissing pic! Too fun!

  3. What gorgeous colors, and yet most of us probably think of Egypt as everything being the color of sand. I love those photos. (And of course the kissing photo was very clever!)

  4. I'm so enjoying your trip stories and pictures, the veiled lady makes me smile :)

  5. Isn't it fun to be a blonde, pale oddity? I often get asked to be in pictures with Asian tourists when they visit my work venue....I'm always taller and paler then everyone else in the photo. My best friend (also a blonde) had the same thing happen to her in China.

  6. Sounds like you're having so much fun! Have a safe trip home! ;)

  7. love the outfits and the friendliness. lucky you.

  8. I'm so enjoying your posts. I was in Cairo about 20 years ago. I found all the people hawking camel rides by the pyramids a bit intimidating. You were pretty brave to navigate all that by yourself! Love the pict of you kissing the Sphinx.

  9. Love the way you write!

  10. I love the picture of you and your new boyfriend :-) Just hope your hubby isn't the jealous type Ha Ha!
    Happy Saturday!

  11. You crack me up! The new boyfriend is cute ;) Fantastic photos, what a beautiful country!

  12. The title of this one is hilarious. My friend, whose husband is Egyptian, is thinking of visiting for the first time. I sent her your blog link!

  13. I'm convinced... this is going on my bucket list.. once I write one!!! BEAUTIFUL images! Love the boyfriend!


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