
Monday, April 5, 2010

Exploring Cairo: Sailing

Last night we went out for a sail on one of these. A fallucca; a traditional Egyptian sailboat. We took a bottle of Bailey's Irish Creme (thank you duty free) and a bottle of wine to enjoy during our hour out on the River Nile.

Abdullah took good care of us.

Rigging the mast and sails must involve some time up at the top of the mast. Despite the opportunity for some great pictures, I decided not to take advantage of the steps.

All the fallucca sails we saw were handmade. While we were waiting to go out we watched a man making a new sail.

I kept wondering how long it had taken him to sew the strips of canvas together, hem the edges, and then stitch the rope around the hem. He had one huge iron needle and a knife; no scissors and no awl - he just used the stone floor to push the needle through the layers of canvas. It looked like a lot of work.

We may have only been out on the Nile for an hour, but it was a perfect way to start the evening.

After our fallucca ride we headed off to dinner and then back to the Pyramids for the Sound and Light Show...


  1. Sounds like a perfect evening. Is this trip more relaxing for you than the one last year? Who is the guy in the pictures with you on the previous posts? Enjoy!

  2. it looks and sounds like you are having a wonderful time! thanks for sharing!

  3. What a wonderful adventure you're having Liz! Sailing down the Nile on a falucca....sounds like something out of the movies. :)

  4. Wow what a fabulous ride down the Nile! And that man working on the sail by hand - incredible!
    Happy Monday!

  5. Your photos are just wonderful! Thanks for sharing your adventure with those of us land-locked at home :-)

  6. I seeing your photos. Glad you're having a good time.

  7. I just love that last picture of you! All I have to say is J E A L O U S!!!! Saling..... on the Nile.... with baileys.... Life doesn't get much better than that! :)

  8. This looks so fun! That sail-maker is amazing...I can't imagine doing without my rotary cutter and sewing machine, lol.

  9. What wonderful photos today, Liz! It looks like you're having a lovely summery trip. It must be nice to have a break from the northern winter climate!

  10. I especially love this set of images! Especially the last one!

    You look so happy and beautiful. I am glad you have been enjoying your vacation.


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