
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Exploring Cairo: The Egyptian Museum

Today we spent the morning at the Egyptian Museum. It was amazing. Of course there was more than we could possibly see in a day, so we spent the bulk of our time in the King Tut exhibit. We hired a guide for 200 Egyptian Pounds (about $40 US) and got two wonderful hours jam packed with information. The best part was the guide took us to different areas than the guide did when I was here last time. Sadly cameras are not allowed inside, so you'll have to settle for these.

However, taking pictures of the grounds was allowed.

Getting to the museum is easy - just get off the Metro at the Sadat Station, climb the stairs up to the street, and look for the big red building. The hardest part was crossing the street - but more on that another time...


  1. Oh bummer they don't let you take pics - I can well imagine how amazing it is! So glad you're having such a good time, Liz!

  2. Oooo la la! Riding Public Transportation in a different country! I am excited for you! Can't wait to hear about more of your adventures!

  3. Wonderful outdoor shots at least! The weather looks just spectacular!

  4. my 5th grader had an Egyption unit in school this year and he loved it. I wish you would have been able to take pics of Tut's tomb, he would have really enjoyed seeing them. Bummer!

    have a wonderful time over there.

  5. I'm glad you got the extra tour so you could see more of the museum - Hooray!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  6. Several years ago, there was a King Tut exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago and my friends and I went to see it. It was definitely amazing to see items with so much age. Of course, I was disappointed because they didn't have his actual mummy.

    I can't wait to read more about your trip!

  7. His actual mummy is still in his tomb down in Luxor. We are going down there on Friday and I hope to see it.


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