
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thank You

Thank you all so much for your support after my last post. The hugs, thoughts, and prayers were greatly appreciated. My husband and I drove down to the Memorial Service yesterday and it was wonderful. The church was over flowing with people, and while I can't speak for all of them, I can say that I left the service uplifted, full of other folk's fond memories of Karen and Edye, and determined to honor their memories by living life to the fullest each and every day.


  1. I am glad that you were able to attend the service and that it was a nice tribute to the sisters who were so loved by all.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your husband

  2. Probably one of the blessings of a small community that they were well loved and are now much missed. From what I read, they seemed like wonderful women who lived life to its fullest!

  3. ((((((((((Liz))))))))))) I'm keeping your community and their families in prayer.

  4. Read about it in the Town Crier and saw many clips on TV. How tragic and just completely mind boggling. Take care of you and your little ones, I know it must be tough helping them through this at their age. It sounds like they lit up Karen's life, she will most certainly be their guardian angel.

  5. So sorry. What a loss for you, your family, and community. Saying a prayer for God's grace for all in this time of loss.

  6. So sorry about the loss Liz. My heart aches and is remembering the family in prayer. ((Hugs))

  7. What a tragic loss to their family and community of friends. It is so hard to understand why such things happen, but when they do, it is always a reminder that life is so precious and so fragile.

    Living each day to the fullest is not only a gift of remembrance to your friends, but also a gift to yourself and your family.

    I am sending warm hugs to you and your family.


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