
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Branching Out

I did a little sewing this Sunday and did it ever feel good. I made the hat out of two wool coats I felted a few weeks ago. As luck would have it, I just happened to have the perfect fleece to line it with. This hat was actually my second attempt. My first try just fits my three year-old daughter's head. I'm glad I used a sweater that didn't felt quite right for that one.

I like the hat, but I love that little zipper flower. I made it into a pin so I (or whoever ends up with it) can take it off. And, of course, I had to make a pair of mittens to go with it - because I am all about mittens these days. I've committed to having 20 pair ready to sell by Mother's Day weekend. These look a little wonky in the photo, but they turned out great.

I wasn't sure how the mittens made with coat wool would turn out; most of the mittens I've made have been out of felted sweaters. There are so many women making mittens these days that there aren't as many sweaters available as there use to be. Plus they are getting more expensive. Branching out into coats and blazers (the leaves on that flower pin are from a felted wool blazer) has allowed me to get wool in colors and patterns I couldn't find in sweaters. And I just couldn't resist that fuzzy blue plaid!

The pattern for the hat is easy. I know that I am a math teacher, so easy for me isn't easy for everyone, but believe me it's a piece of cake.

I used a 7.5 inch diameter circle for the top and a 23.5 X 8 inch rectangle for the sides. If your head is bigger or smaller just adjust the size of the circle and rectangle accordingly. For an 8.5 inch diameter circle use a 26.75 inch rectangle, or for a 6.5 inch circle use a 20.5 inch rectangle. If you want to use a different size circle for the top, just remember the length of the rectangle you need to cut = the diameter of the circular top of the hat multiplied by 3.14. If you'd like more detailed directions on how to sew the hat, let me know. I can probably post them later this week.


  1. Love your hat Liz. Super cute, the zipper button is amazing what a great idea.

  2. That hat is WONDERFUL!!!! Love the mittens too. The flower is incredible!

  3. So cute Liz! And matching mittens too? Adorable!
    Still planning on selling them downtown this year? I will be looking for them! We will probably be up in May...we're usually there Memorial Day weekend and then again a couple times in the summer...usually July 4th and sometime in August. Beautiful work!

  4. i love the hat & the mittens, but will pass on the math lesson.

  5. Those are absolutely adorable! And the flowewr made out of the zipper is so creative!!

  6. The hat is fantastic. I love it! I'm glad you've been finding so many projects to do with your felted sweaters. Every time I see them at the many thrift stores I think of you and how you'd be in "Wooly Heaven"! lol

    p.s. Jeremy says hi!

  7. Darling hat! You did a great job on it and the color is amazing! I've been in a "blue" mood lately so this hat is VERY appealing to me!

  8. Darling hat!!!
    But really, I'm swooning over the zipper flower. Just wonderful!

  9. Those. Are. Awesome! Love the color and the bit of plaid you can see through the felting. They're perfect. :)

  10. Great hat! I love the zipper flower. Visible zippers are quite trendy right now.

  11. wonderful winter wear! I love the zipper flower...please show us how you did that! that hat and mittens look so great.

  12. I love these projects! You are such an inspiration! The hat is fabulous and the zipper pin is too cute for words. I am definately stealing these ideas!
    Have a terrific thursday,
    Diane M.

  13. Love the hat! The colours and that touch of plaid give it that English feel.

  14. That zipper flower is fantastic! Beautiful set!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. that zipper flower is tooooo cute for words! Love it!

  17. Brilliant felting wool coats. You are right - sweaters are becoming scarce - I just found a Pendleton wool man's vest lined in fleece - felted the outer part - beautiful!

    Thank you so much for the measurements for the hat! I love your hat and I will be making one! The additional instructions would be lovely if you have the time.

  18. I love this Idea with the zippers! How cute are they! I have zippers out the wazoo, now i know what to do with them. Thanks for sharing!


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