
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Second Attempt

My stock of goodies is slowly building. I feel like I've got hats and zipper pins down, so this weekend I think I'm going to tackle a scarf or maybe a bag. Oh yes, and I have been been working on that zipper pin tutorial. I suppose it will all depend on my mood come Saturday afternoon.

Saturday morning is my first "Super Science Saturday." I've invited all the island preschool and kindergartners down to school for two hours of science fun. We're going to make worms, play with homemade snow, explore with magnets and make rainbows. I hope the kids have as much fun as I hope they will. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. Which reminds me, I need to get the parents to sign photo releases...


  1. Hi Liz,
    I love, love, love your hats! Are they going to be available for purchase? I'm ready to buy!
    As for the Science event-how cool is that. I teach high school English and love it when i have the opportunity to do enrichment events with my students. My current project is called The Creative Writing Crew. we meet weekly to write short stories, poetry, song lyrics, basically what ever the spirit moves us to do and I love every minute of it.
    I'll be sure to visit again this weekend.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday,

  2. That sounds so FUN - have a great time! I love your zipper pin!

  3. Wish I could come play on Saturday!!

  4. Saturday sounds like an awesome fun day of playing, and learning!!

  5. Wow Liz! Super Science Saturday: That officially makes you the coolest teacher and the best mom ever!

  6. That sounds like great fun. I might have to try the worms with my three boys. Maybe the atomic version.

  7. Another cute hat! Have fun on Saturday!

  8. I wish I were joining you on Saturday! Science - always my favorite subject in school! Your students are so fortunate to have you as their teacher. Have fun making worms!

  9. I love the zipper clever! I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, at least she was not alone.
    I am trying to sew a bit but the darndest thing is , my worst surgical pain is left waist, and i have to lay down after awhile, but i am slowly getting victoria's shirt done. bought at store and didnt realize until someone pointed out, when they did the finishing seam, they didnt lift the knife and both sleeves and entire bottom hem are cut. am doing button hole stich with french nots. then i got some swa.. crstals that i will add to shirt front. she will be very pleased. will post photo of it when it is done. take care friend. xo


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