
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I went to work today but I'm not myself. My thoughts are disjointed, not quite coherent, still not willing to accept the truth about the accident. Them going over the bluff on their snowmobile. That they're gone...

I just can't bring myself to retype one word of this. It's gut wrenching to imagine her husband and her boys going on without her, though I know somehow they will find a way. Don says he wishes he could just open his eyes and have it all have been a dream; an awful nightmare to leave behind. And my son, who sat on her lap at brunch on Sunday and really doesn't understand the concept of death, says he wants someone to "invent a way to bring her back to this world. Please Mama, I miss her."

So I snuggle him and remind him that he needs to remember all the things about her that made him smile. How she loved Tinkerbell just like he does, how she always had special treats just for him, how she let him touch everything in her house - even the fragile breakable things that made his mama nervous, and how she kept toys in her house just so they would be there when he and his sister came around the corner to visit. Those are the memories he needs to keep alive in his heart, even though right now, it aches to think about them. He smiled at me and reminded me that King Triton's heart was broken when his Queen died and Ariel and Sebastian fixed it, so someday our hearts will be fixed too. Such a sweet little boy. If only real life had a Disney ending so everyone could get a happily ever after...

Goodbye Karen.
Know that you are missed.
By all of us.


  1. Liz,
    I am so sorry for your loss.
    May God grant you, your family, her family, and all of the people she touched peace.
    We just read of this not too long ago here.
    Big hugs...

  2. Liz, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. We recently too experienced a great loss of a wonderful friend and it just breaks my heart when others have to endure the same thing. It is my prayer that you and your family will be blessed with peace and given the strength to get through the upcoming days. From the article she sounded like a wonderful lady and one who lives life to the fullest each day is a role model to all. Praying for you.

  3. Liz,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that your family -- and Karen's family -- will be in my prayers

  4. Liz,
    So sorry to hear about this...I had seen the article and wondered if you had known them. Please know that my prayers are with you and the families of these wonderful ladies.

  5. Oh Liz, I am so sorry for your loss. I know too well the pain of losing friends unexpectedly, and my heart goes out to you and all those who knew and loved her. All of you there on Mackinac and her family and loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers. I would hug you if I could.

  6. {{{Hugs}}} I'm sorry about your friend =0(

  7. So sorry Liz. Sounds like your families are very close and you will be a great comfort to them.

  8. I'm so sorry, Liz. So truly sorry.

  9. Your son is an amazing little boy. I'm so sorry you have had to teach him about grief so young. My heart is with you all.

  10. What a tragic loss! You have my deepest condolences.

  11. Liz,
    Your are in my heart and my prayers this morning for the loss of your friend & neighbor, and for her family.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss! I thought of you right away when I heard the news, you are in my prayers!

  13. Beautiful, Liz. Hugs all around.

  14. Oh, God, Liz. I'm so sorry. This is so sad and horrible. Words can't express. Know that your family and thiers are in my prayers.

  15. How terrible. I'm praying for peace in the hearts of their families and friends. What an awful tragedy.

  16. I know you were there when Don needed the support and I know you'll be there when he returns to the island from South Lyon.

  17. Liz, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all.

  18. There's times in life where no words can express the tragic events of this world. Know that my thoughts are with you as well as the Schwark family.

    love you guys and miss you all more than I can say. See you all soon.

  19. Oh Liz, I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking and praying for you all.

  20. Thank you all so much. I can't tell you how much the hugs, thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

  21. Oh Liz, I wish there could be Disney endings in life too. Such a lovely thought from your darling little boy. (((Hugs to you all)))

  22. Liz I am so, so sorry - I will keep these families in prayer, and your community.

  23. I am so sorry Liz. I will be thinking of you all and praying.

  24. So perfectly put Our prayers are with you all as you heal and bring back the happy memories

  25. Our family really enjoyed having dinner with Karen and Don. We were enchanted by their infectious love of life, traveling and Mackinac and couldn't wait to see them again.

    We just went to three funerals in five days and we are as sad that we will not see this person that we knew for a very short time as some that we knew for ages.

    Tell Don, his family and your family that we are praying for everyone that is grieving the loss of a remarkable person that left an immediate impression.

  26. I am so sorry about your friend.

  27. Liz,
    It's with tears in my eyes that I type this...I'm so sorry for your loss and for the grief that you must be feeling. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. What a terrible thing for you, your kids, and her family to go through. Our prayers will be with you all.


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