
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sewing Again

I picked up a bunch of adorable patterned tights (on sale) for my daughter over Christmas break only to realize that she only had two neutral skirts that would work with them. So this weekend I got to work on some new skirts.

This skirt is basically the same as this one, I just used the legs from an old pair of jeans (thank you Miranda) for the bottom instead of calico. My machine didn't like sewing through the gathered denim and the flat felled seams of the jeans - not one bit, but in the end I only ended up breaking one needle. I purposely left the hem unfinished so it would fray; for some reason I love the way frayed hems look on denim. I don't think the picture does this skirt justice. When she has it on, you can't see the lighter denim on the top - my daughter's shirts hang down low enough to cover it so it looks really cute.

While I was taking pictures of the skirt yesterday afternoon I noticed this little flower in my back yard. It brightened my day and I thought it might brighten yours, too.

We are losing snow fast on Mackinac. It's been in the 20s and 30s for the past week! It feels great but we are quickly seeing bare pavement which isn't so great when your main source of transportation is your snowmobile. But if I have to walk, I'll walk with a happy heart...


  1. The skirt is adorable! It takes me back to my high school days when we would rip our jeans out and make the "granny skirts" with calico on the bottom edges :-)
    The flowers are so pretty too. We still have snow here but a layer of something the weather guy calls "fog ice" on the top layer making it crunchy and slippery to walk on.

  2. Liz this is really cute! Glad you could refurbish my old duds! The flowers made my morning :)

    -love you

  3. I love the skirt too! We used to do the same thing - refashion de3nium jeans - only imagine you skirt without the ruffle! Mini, mini skirts!

    I loved your New Year's post and decision to do things with a "happy heart". It truly is amazing how my whole outlook and mood changes when I step back and make the conscious decision to enjoy what I am doing and be grateful that I can do it!

  4. What a darling skirt!!! Good job Liz, I too love frayed denim.
    I'm expecting all our snow to be gone soon down here, although it's lingering longer than I thought it would - it's been quite warm for January, and will be 40 for a couple of days!

  5. I love the flowering plant photo. We're getting a ton of rain this week and it's cold. I've been thinking about all my cold weather blogging friends! I'm glad you're warming up where you live!

  6. I love the skirt! It's adorable! Great idea using the legs like that too.

  7. I love that skirt! What a great idea.

    I love the BNL song too! I really want them to be good, even without Steven Paige. We saw them in concert a few years ago and loved it!

  8. Very cute skirt! I have been doing some skirts my self. Thanks for the great Idea!!


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