
Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall on Mackinac

Some days it just takes my breath away...

I rode out to Woodbluff to run an errand Saturday morning and was pleased as punch that I actually remembered to bring my camera. My daughter kept a watchful eye out for dragons while we stopped so I could snap a few pictures on the golf course. (She saw several but luckily they were all nice and easily "shooed" away.)

I took the afternoon off today - after going to the Medical Center because I did something to my neck this morning. I have no idea what I did but even after an adjustment, muscle relaxers, and quite a bit of time with the heating pad, I still hurt. Grumble grumble. However, I still have hope that I am going to wake up tomorrow morning, well rested and pain free. Keep your fingers crossed for me...

editorial note from the Hubby: This post is heavily edited due to the effects of muscle relaxants. Liz is doing much better and is being properly pampered.


  1. are you getting any of this snow. it is sticking to the roof now and it is piling up on the grass. i wonder if it will still be snowing tomarrow a.m. mark looked like a little bear when he went to work this a.m. he installs furnances so it is always cold...he is outside or in a freezing basement. poor baby....i sewing today...yipee

  2. Liz, the pictures, especially the top one belong in a calendar. I definitely think you should enter it in the calendar contest in February!

  3. Gorgeous pics - I'm so sorry to hear about your neck! I know how painful it can be, I live with it every day. Good for hubby who is properly pampering you. Feel better!

  4. Too the edit by your hubby! Hope you are up and at 'em real soon! Feel better! :)

  5. Lovely pictures! I hope you are feeling better soon, strained necks can be...well, I can't help myself...a pain in the neck! Seriously though, take care of yourself, be careful not to lift anything heaver than a coffee cup for the next couple of days, it's surprising how little weight can affect your neck and upper back.

  6. Liz ~ incredible photos, as usual. Sorry to hear about your neck, feel better soon. Sounds like your being well taken care of!!

  7. I hope you're feeling better soon! At least you have lovely colors to enjoy (and I bet they look just amazing with those drugs). ;-)

  8. Great pic! You should definitely enter that in something. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  9. What a beautiful place you are blessed to live in. Fall is glorious!

  10. So pretty- feel better- good job hubby

  11. What a beautiful place. Hope you're better.

  12. beautiful should work for the tourism council for mackinac do a fabulous job. I hope your neck is feeling better...sounds like you have a great nurse!

  13. I hope that your neck is feeling better. Your pictures are just be able to live near that must be so awesome!

  14. Me too! Pleased as punch you took your camera!

    I have been diligently going through all the blog posts I have not had time to read, and am I ever glad I am doing that. I wouldn't wanted to have missed these shots.


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