
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Little by little the island's horses are leaving. Since only about 500 of us are here all winter most of them aren't needed, so they are taken off the island for some well earned rest and relaxation. The family that owns most of Mackinac Island Carriage Tours has a farm in Pickford - up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula* where the horses will spend the winter.

*The Upper Peninsula is affectionately referred to as the U.P. in Michigan. Folks living the the U.P. are called "Yoopers" while folks from lower Michigan are called "Trolls" since they live below the bridge.

Thank you for all the well wishes. My neck is healing nicely. In fact, I didn't need any medication today - yeah. I'm still not 100% yet, but I'll be back to my old self again in a day or two.


  1. I did not know I was a troll, lol! That's too funny.
    Such pretty horses! I'm glad your neck is better, Liz.

  2. I'm so excited when I notice you have a new post! Glad you feel better.

  3. Beautiful horses! I, too, did not know that I am a troll!!! Too funny!

  4. LOL...I've lived in Michigan since 1984 and I knew those in the U.P. were Yoopers, but I never knew I was a troll, LOL! Isn't that the cutest thing! So glad you're feeling better. The hubby and I were going to try and make it up to the island one last time before winter this month (We've been 3 times since May!) but it's so hard getting away now that the kids are back in school. I can't wait till next May...we'll be baaa-aaack! Teehee!

  5. Love your photos, as always.

    If the ones below the bridge are called Trolls, shouldn't the ones above the bridge be called Billy Goats?

  6. trolls, apple knockers...i love living in "da UP"! a humungous change from living on kauai and the west side to boot but i love the seasonal change and the renewal of springtime. the snow is gone for now but i am sure we will be seeing plenty this winter. we actally need a huge snow this year to bring the levels of all the lakes up. by august they were so visibly low...scarry....

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your neck, I'm glad you're feeling better!

    I always laugh when I'm driving and see someone with one of the UP bumper stickers (Say ya to da UP, eh?) I have to resist the urge to pull up beside them to display the good old Michigan hand while pointing to where I'm from. Must be a troll thing ;)

  8. love reading about life on the interesting that the horses head out for the winter. hope you're feeling better!

  9. So fun to read these comments Liz, esp since the Trolls had no idea they are called Trolls :D
    Glad that you are up and well again! Have a great week!

  10. I have heard that we were called trolls before and thought that was funny!
    There is also the fudgies and snow birds and so many other names!

    I would love to live on the seems like it would be magical! Is it as great as it looks?

    Its so nice to meet you!
    I live about 2 hours south from the island!



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