
Friday, October 16, 2009

Wiggily Giggly Fun

Have you ever made homemade worms? We have...

... and it was great fun.

I bought the materials here and it was worth every penny. Now, my two little ones are really to young to understand they were really building polymers by cross-linking long chains of molecules, but they did understand that mixing the two liquids caused a reaction. They understood that they caused an "irreversible change" and that we couldn't unmake our worms. (Though we did have to experiment to see if we could.) Now that's science. Plus S and K got to investigate color mixing, they spent some time quality time with mom and dad, and due to activities like this one they are beginning to associate science with fun. (Ah... the science teacher in me gets a big grin just thinking about it.)

If you home school or just want to have some fun with your kids, I highly recommend picking up one of these kits. And just so you know, I didn't get my kit for free in exchange for blogging about it. I am not being compensated in any way - we just had so much fun making worms that I thought you might want to try making them yourself. You won't regret it, I promise!


  1. That looks fun! I miss the days of doing science with the boys.

  2. Oh thank you thank you thank you!! That is so up our alley!!

  3. hmmmm that would be a great Christmas gift for my little science loving guy! Thanks for sharing!

    Did you read Diary of a worm? Looooove that book!

  4. Fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to visit any time! I love the island...Ste. Anne's is probably my favorite building on the main part of the island, though I love the Tudor look of Stonecliffe. I think I've been there every summer since I was two or so.

  5. You've been tagged with a Kreativ Blogger award...

  6. Thanks Liz...I have a little boy who would love this! great!


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