
Saturday, October 10, 2009


Now that it's getting a bit chilly on Mackinac Island, I'm doing a lot more snuggling (our high today was 49 F - about 9 C) . Luckily I have this to snuggle under:

This post is way over due since this beautiful quilt found its way to me in late May. (Don't worry I am hanging my head in shame.) J from Sew Bee It made it for me as her Pay it Forward gift and I still can't get over how amazing it is! It's beautiful, the prefect size for on the couch and she shipped it to me all the way from Hungary. How cool is that?

Thank you so much J. I just can't tell you how much we love this quilt. I'm also feeling horribly guilty about not getting my Pay It Forwards out yet. After the Halloween costumes are finished - those will be next on my list.

Speaking of Halloween costumes, the ghost is finished. Well, almost. She needs show covers since she doesn't have any black shoes, but otherwise it's done. I'll fill you in on the details once I get some decent pictures. Now it is on to Peter Pan. He should be a bit easier - at least I have a pattern for that one...


  1. Wow what a beautiful gift - you'll get a lot of use out of that!

  2. What a wonderful gift. And, such a lovely post of thanks. Good timing is's been snowing in our area of the U.P.!

  3. That is a wonderful "pay it forward". Beautiful colors.

  4. I love the pay it forward idea....and from Hungry.....what fun.


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