
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Modern Baby

My two and a half year-old daughter is all about babies. She loves dolls and takes good care of them. Well, at least she tries to. I often find them wrapped in a blanket and crammed into a step stool or a drawer for a "nap." In an effort to help improve K's parenting skills, this year Grandma got her a doll-sized Pack-n-Play for Christmas. Of course, I though she needed a quilt to go with it. Amanda Jean inspired me on this one - I just love how the backs of some of her quilts look. My daughter is getting a little matching yellow pillow too, but guess who forgot to get a picture of that...

Here is a close up of the quilting. I just meandered and made free-motion loops using my Bernina. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope K likes it too.

If you are curious, that is a graduation tassel hanging on my Christmas tree. My high school and college tassels are both hanging there. I didn't know what else to do with them...


  1. I love the modern sensability of the design, and the bright colors really pop! It will be perfect in the mini pack and play.

  2. That's a very thoughtful gift, and I'm sure it will be in constant use :-) It looks lovely.

  3. What a beautiful and adorable quilt, your little girl will just love it and it will be so cute with her dolly sized pack and play.
    Merry Christmas Liz!

  4. It looks great - I'm sure any little girl would love to have it for their doll baby.

  5. Very cute. I love the simplicity of it.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have a present for you on my blog. Swing by when you get a moment.

    {soul hugs}

  7. fun quilt - love the bright colors and simplicity.

  8. Some of the content is very worthy of my drawing, I like your information!


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