
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We are celebrating the holidays with my husband's family right now and soon we'll be celebrating New Year's Eve with friends. (We've been celebrating together since 1989! This year's group will total nine adults, nine kids, five dogs and a cat.) Needless to say, we'll be packed in like cord wood and I'm going to be very busy. So my posting here will probably be sporadic or nonexistent until after the New Year.

Until then, I thought I would leave you with a couple of photos of the island decked out in her holiday best. One of my favorite island traditions is the gigantic Christmas tree in the middle of main street. I love how my little ones "oooh and aaaah" as we drive past it. If you're wondering - the red streak in the photo is a snowmobile tail light - it drove past while my shutter was open...


  1. Merry Christmas, Liz. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful extended holiday celebration. Looking forward to your posts in the New Year.

  2. Merry Christmas. Love your little town.

  3. Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a fantastic time over there! :D

  4. looks like you're having a lovely christmas. just wanted to add my good wishes!

  5. The photos of your town lit up for Christmas are lovely Liz :) We had a great Christmas at home with family and tomorrow is my father's birthday so we are going to have a big bash for him. I posted some pics of our swap package from you on my blog and wanted to say thanks again. The kids are busy building snowmen out of the floam and munching on the cotton candy snowballs today *grin* Have a happy New Year's!

  6. very pretty. really? people drive around on snowmobiles? are cars allowed at all? it does look awfully comfy cozy

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  8. beautiful...hope your holiday was a merry one!


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