
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thankful on Election Day

Today I am thankful I live in a country where I have the right to vote. My Great-Grandma Nell was born in 1889, so she didn't have the right to vote until she was 31. My Grandma Mary was born in 1920, the year women "got the vote" as she puts it. I exercised that right today - as I have in every election since I turned 18.

I'm thankful I don't have to wear a burka, have my husband's permission to travel, or have to worry about the secret police breaking down my door in the middle of the night. And while I don't think the United States is perfect, I certainly am thankful and proud to call this nation home.


  1. Me too. I'm with you all the way.

  2. Well said. Loving your country is like loving your child - not perfect but yours.

  3. Never heard it put better than that! You inspire me! Not to vote, I've already been inspired to do that, for years and years, but to be more proud of my country!

  4. Amen! Very well said. I feel just as you do.

  5. Amen sister :o)

    no matter how you do because you can :o)


  6. Amen! Well said. I voted with a sense of humility today in honor of those women who went years before me without being able to do so, and I for one am thrilled with the results. Yes we can!

  7. What BEAUTIFUL picture (and a great lookin' fort)!

  8. Yes you're so right. I am thankful to be living in a 'free' country too.


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