
Monday, November 3, 2008

Twice As Thankful

Every day I give thanks for my children. My son, S, is 4 and my daughter, K, is 2 1/2. They light up my life and make me smile every day. For years I didn't think I would ever have children and now I can't imagine not having them.

(S a few minutes old)

We tried for two years to conceive S, but I was pregnant with K the very first month we tried. S wanted to come out six weeks early. K on the other hand was pleased as punch to wait for the scheduled C-section to make her appearance. S was a quiet happy baby while K had reflux and was horribly colicky until we discovered infant Zantac. S didn't nurse well while K was a nursing champ. Such different beginnings...

(K just a few minutes old)

Looking back, though, I wouldn't change a thing. (OK, except for the reflux part.) The older they get, the more I enjoy my time with them. Each day brings new adventures, new squabbles, new discoveries, and new messes. And I enjoy every one, I mean most, of them. I can't imagine my life any other way...


  1. Oh, such beautiful pictures!

  2. Isn't it funny that the same two people make a baby and yet how different they are? I don't know why we are surprised by this as we are not anything like our siblings.
    It will be fun to see their personalities grow. These are the easiest times. No one ever told me how much I would worry after they turned 18...

  3. My daughter had reflux with a food aversion. All I did for 6 solid months was pump, feed and give medicine on schedule. And still, was thankful just to have her with us and that it was nothing worse. I can relate.

  4. Thanks for writing this. I think sometimes we get caught up in life and forget to be thankful for our family and especially our kids.

  5. Oooo, I get so clucky looking at newborn baby pics.

    What a great post. Reading this makes me so, so thankful that I was able to have children easily. I am aware of what a blessing that is.


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