
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thankful #4

I am so thankful that I live where I do. The little island where I live has such amazing natural beauty, I just can't imagine living anywhere else. Even when I have to ride my bike uphill in the pouring rain to get home, or when I have to walk a mile to work in a blizzard when it is -25 F (about -31 C) because my snowmobile wouldn't start, I love living where I do...

How about you - what are you thankful for today?


  1. I think you live in a magical place, Liz. I expect to see Angela Landsbury riding up on her bike any minute...

  2. I am thankful you take such beautiful pictures of that gorgeous island.

  3. Lovely photo - I think I would love living so close to the water too, although I could do without the -30 temperatures.

  4. I'm thankful to still be visit my best friend on her beautiful laugh with my kiss my husband and cuddle with my dogs. I'm thankful for funny books... for beautiful fabric to piece together...for the smell of the earth when I walk in the woods near our neighborhood pond..and for warm chocolate chip cookies with ice cold milk.

  5. The place you live looks utterly amazing. Despite my envy over the water you are near, I feel the same way about where I live. I am surrounded by mountains, just at the mouth of a pretty canyon, and every single day, I think "Thank you for this place."

  6. i've been having a hard time being thankful lately. i thank you for sharing and making me take a look at a few things.

  7. Oh, Liz, that is a breathtakingly beautiful photo. How lucky you are to live in such a place. I am thankful today for my cozy, warm, home. So many people are losing theirs that it makes me extra grateful I am here. Have a lovely weekend.

  8. I am thankful for a house full of love on a wet, windy night.
    And for bloggers from across the continent who tell me / show me wonderful things about where they live :)


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