
Friday, November 7, 2008

Thankful for High School

Today I am thankful I had parents who valued education, and made sure I got a good one. Sounds cheesy, I know, but it's true. I was lucky enough to to go to a really good high school and it's gotten me thinking about the fact that my 20th reunion is coming up in a few weeks. (Can I be that old?)

It's got me totally nostalgic for the 80s. So I, like thought I'd, like, take a walk down memory lane...

This is how I started the 80s. Lovely aren't I? I was 10...

By the time I entered high school in 1984, I was deep in the throws of 80's fashion. I desperately wanted Guess Jeans - with a button fly. Which was a big deal considering that they were $65.00 a pair back then. And all my money came from babysitting at about $1.50 - $2.00 an hour. That's a lot of babysitting for one pair of pants.

And of course who would be seen in public without pegged jeans. I mean come on! (For the record, that is not my foot. - I do not have a Roman toe.)

And of course, what preppy 80s girl would wear anything other than Reebok high-top aerobic shoes? In white. They had to be white. The black ones were, like so gay. (At least that's what I told my mom.)

My favorite TV show of the 80s was The Monkees. MTV aired every episode starting in February of 1986, and yes, I taped every one. (Yeah, I was geeky then too.) I wasn't in love with Davey though- I liked Micky; he made me laugh. Mike was a close second...

I wasn't as into music as a of of my friends were back then, but I have vivid recollections of watching Live Aid on TV in 1985. Bob Geldof, one of the organizers, was Irish and we were living in Dublin that summer. I remember having a ton of people over and all of us crowding around the little TV in the living room. Everyone went crazy when U2 was on, and the funniest part was that my mom didn't understand why. (U2 is an Irish band.)

My favorite movie of the 80's - Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I am proud to say that I never skipped school - not once. Well, not unless you count the times Mr. Blain, my high school auto shop teacher, told us to take both lunch periods. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that I was the first female student Mr. Blain had ever had...
Thinking about it now reminds me I've got to add that to my NetFlix list...

Another favorite from the 80s - my prom dress (and my date.)

I picked the pattern and the fabrics and my mom made the dress. I loved it, partially because my class color was pink. I loved my date, too. - his name was Jon. He went to U of M, while I went to MSU, and somehow we managed to stay friends. Jon and I still talk occasionally and I still have the dress...

Here I am at the end of my 80s experience. (Well almost - I graduated from high school in 1988.) Older, wiser, and better looking than I was in the beginning - despite those awful glasses. Most of my friends took their glasses off in their senior pictures, but I decided to leave mine on. I wore them every day and I just didn't feel right not wearing them. Besides, now my kids will have something to tease me about.

I'd love to offer you all a lovely gift for stopping by, but I think they stopped making these about 20 years ago. What could beat a Swatch Watch? I wanted one so badly in 10th grade. I think Santa brought me a Casio instead.

Photo Credits:


  1. That was a the prom picture! (It really is a very pretty dress)

  2. I loved this post! (I graduated in 1985.) I remember listening to my U2 and Prince cassettes over and over on my big clunky walkman. I had three Swatch watches and never ever left the house without pegging my pants first. I don't think I ever had the Guess jeans because they didn't fit me right. And I wanted a spiral perm in the worst way but knew it would never work on my hair. Good times, good times...

  3. AHHHHH - great memories!!! Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I am a 1989 graduate and am working on planning my 20 year, now. What great memories - Guess jeans - I had the same want, but not enough cash. And the swatch watch - I remember saving my Christmas money and buying one. I might still have it somewhere!!

    Someday I'll get brave and post prom pictures..... maybe!

  4. My HB came into the room while I was reading this and he saw your senior photo. "Hey, she had the same glasses you had." he commented. I graduated in 1988 too (and I used to wear very similar spectacle frames) so that was a trip down memory lane here as well.....

  5. The pegged pants phase! That so made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!! Thanks for sharing your high school days! You graduated the same year as my hubby AND I 4 years later! I can't wait to get my new all in one printer so I can scan some old pictures I've been dying to share!!!

  6. My dear Liz, those Reeboks were the ones I wanted! But my dad bought me Puma. And, pegged jeans?! Where do I start? And don't get me started on the Swatch watches. My Swatches must have their protectors! Such good memories you're bring to everyone!

  7. This is great stuff, Liz. I graduated in '90, so I was there too. I owned one pair of Guess buttonflies in high school and they were kind of sacred. I believe they were also acid washed. And pegged. Your hair doesn't seem quite as big as mine was though... you miraculously escaped that part! I have too many photos of myself with hair bigger than my body. egads.

  8. What a brave woman to show your 80s self! I had those 80s glasses too, like the ones in your senior picture. Why did we think it was cool to have them touch your cheeks? I remember it always made them greasy!

  9. Ahhhhhh! I was grining this whole post. Love it!

  10. I graduated in 1985 and had some of the same memories...but the jeans for me were Jordache.

    Here's another fashion don't. The big oversized shirts with bodacious shoulder pads over stirrup pants or leggings. And the really fashion conscious added leg warmers and/or a low slung 3 inch wide belt!

    Ferris Bueller is still one of my favorite movies. It's what I was watching when my now-hubby Dan made his "big move" to hold my hand for the first time..I didn't know he was interested in me until then :-)

  11. Ah..the 80's. You know, I was reading a forum with a lot of teenagers on it, and a picture came up of a boy, with my favorite hair from the 80's for a boy...they were hysterical with laughter, and I was sitting there going What..what's wrong with it?? Wow did I feel old, lol.

    And I STILL love me some pegged pants. lol


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