
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Employed and Thankful

The bell tower on the island school

With the economy the way it is, I'm quite thankful that I have a good job in an industry that will won't go out of business. I've taught at my school for 16 years and have enough seniority now that even a drop in enrollment probably wouldn't cause me to lose my job. Which is a good thing when you tend to be a worrier like I am. A friend of mine recently lost her job, and my heart aches for her...


  1. I'm with you! This economy is affecting too many people who are close to me - including my husband. I am so grateful for my degree and my career. Without it we could be in a big mess right now!

  2. Oh yes! it is very trying times right now!


  3. I don't have a steady employer, but I am very thankful for a steady stream of freelance work right now, and that the work comes from a lovely group of clients who help to make my days fun.


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