
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thankful for Sticky Fingers

Despite the fact that I am deathly afraid of getting stung, I am very thankful for my husband's honey bees. I adore honey and I consider myself lucky that I get to enjoy their hard work all winter long. My husband, A, jokes that he is the largest employer on the island, and that all 80,000 of his workers are women...

One of my favorite things to use their yummy honey on is Three Corn Bread- it's delicious and super easy. I got the recipe from one of the parents at school last year. She brought a batch into school on Teacher Appreciation Day and I've been hooked ever since...

Three Corn Bread

1 stick of butter
1 cup of sour cream or plain yogurt
1 egg
1 can of corn, drained
1 can cream style corn
2 small boxes of Jiffy Mix Corn Bread or similar corn bread mix

Directions: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cream butter and sour cream (or yogurt) together in a large bowl. Beat in the egg. Next mix in the cans of corn. Finally mix in the boxes of Jiffy Mix corn bread mix. Place in a greased pan and bake for 45 - 55 minutes.

I usually bake mine in a large cast-iron skillet. I put it into the oven when I turn it on so it is hot by the time I am ready to bake. When I pour the batter into the hot greased pan it sizzles a bit. That gives it a nice crust on the bottom and sides. I have not had good luck baking this in glass- it tends to be a bit mushy.


  1. Now that is too cool! Both the bees and the recipe.

  2. Sounds nice - I assume you can eat it warm or cold? Sounds a bit like yorkshire pudding... the bit about putting it into a hot, sizzling pan so it gets a nice crust on it.

  3. Yum! corn bread is so good. I will have to try your recipe. Anything that has 1 stick of butter has to be good!

    Signed, Barb
    non recovering butter addict.

  4. i'm going to try this. bet it's great with soup or chili.

  5. Mmm...I love cornbread. I wonder if they have cornbread mixes over here?? Cause I am pretty sure they don't have cornmeal. *sigh*

  6. Found your blog following a trail of blogger favorites. I'm a fellow Michigander. The corn bread recipe sounds delicious.


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