
Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm Thankful it's Snowing

I, for one, am ready for some snow...

It snowed for a few minuted this afternoon while I was baking a pie. (A delicious apple pie from scratch - not something I do very often.) While the snow didn't stick, that little dusting means winter is one step closer to Northern Michigan. 99% of the leaves are off the trees, all of the gardens are mulched, senior citizen transports have begun (on the island in the winter, those 58 and older can get rides from the Police in the Jeep,) downtown is completely deserted, and it is getting colder every day. Except for the snow, winter is pretty much here. (Isn't that snowflake photo amazing? If you like it, you can find a bunch more here.)

Before you decide I am completely insane for actually wanting snow, remember, I rarely have to drive in it, I don't have a driveway to shovel, and snow on the ground means I can hop on my snowmobile any time I want to. Snow means no more riding my bike or walking on icy roads. I must admit, however, I do have a love-hate relationship with my snowmobile. I hate the smell of the exhaust and I hate how loud it is, but I love being able to hop on my trusty Polaris and zip to where ever I need to go. When you live on an island where cars are illegal and you do everything on a bicycle or on foot, most of the year "zipping" is not an option. As soon as mother nature decides to blanket us with the white stuff, I plan to be zipping quite a bit. I guess I'd better go dig the helmets out of the basement and bring them upstairs. Who knows, tomorrow might be the day...


  1. Thank you. Thank YOU. Hope the pie was good!

  2. 1. You've inspired me to make an apple pie tonight (my fruit is home grown but the crust will be store bought).

    2. What an interesting glimpse into your island world. I wonder how they used to get around before snow mobiles? Horses and snowshoes, I'm guessing? My son is also wishing for snow, so that we can go skiing! (We can see the mountain from the house, so we know when it has snow.)

  3. Gentle snow flurries here, too. And pie, except it's pumpkin, instead.

  4. I just read through your Thankful for High School post - Very funny! I can relate (my grad year was 87) No - you are definately NOT old! :0)

  5. We are planning a trip to the snow in January, since we don't get it locally. We are already really excited about it, so I can see how one could look forward to it! That snow flake is so pretty.

  6. When I lived in a Colorado mountain town we loved the white stuff too! Now my lifestyle dreads snow and ice. The winds are raging these days. This year I'm feeling a bit resistant to the winter weather.

    Have fun zipping in the snow!

  7. It sounds cool to be able to ride your snowmobile to work!
    I have wanted to make an apple pie all week long. I really have to get to that this week. I am so craving one even more after your post.

  8. You have the advantage there. Wish we could ride snowmobiles in the Winter to and from work. We're only allowed to ride them on trails. We're expecting up to 10" of snow today.... It is pretty, but I dread the cold.

  9. I bet the snows stays beautiful without any cars to muck it up. I can see why you would wish for it. Do you ever snow-shoe? That has always looked like fun to me.

  10. Thanks for the link to the snowflakes. Frankie and I spent some time together looking at all the pictures..then discovered the info about the snowflake museums in Japan. We don't know if we can go to them, but maybe the one in Toyko? After we do the Nintendo Place that is :-)

  11. If you're still wishing for snow - come on down. We got dumped with about 7-8 inches last night, and are expecting a few more this morning before it dies out this afternoon. No school for us today!! Do you get snow days on the island?

  12. Sounds like a great way to zip around, and fun too.


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